
I have a naruto worst loser that is always "in use"

I already removed it from all of the teams in team setup...but it always show that the naruto is "in use"..... Is there anywhere else i can put a character besides the team setup?


Answer List

I was wondering that too. Thank goodness for all these smart people with answers. lol
Phantom castle all team has naruto replace them
Sorry you can use that naruto by removing it from the Phantom Castle
Its because its a special character that the game gave you for pre ordering I think
Check phantom castle team
Put it away from phantom castle team also first I was also getting tired of this
If still havent figured this out go to phantom castle it has a whole different team set up with 7 teams he in all took me a while to notice too lol
you can have more than 1 team going. make sure hes not set up in another
Did you also remove him from the phantom castle teams?
If i were you id keep him, hes the starter naruto and hes pretty good.You should awaken him to 5 stars and max him out. hes very good back row for player under 80 ninja rank. His jutsu hits everyone and dosent cost anything. And with friend points you can get dupes to feed his abilities. Take this from me I have 91 ninja rank and 5/6 of the 6 stars

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Comments (updated every hour)

No idea its the same for me
When is the next time this pops up?
I love this naruto very much and i want him so bad and i dont want to play this game without him ...
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