
Ninja Rank

This page explains what Ninja Rank is and how to increase the rank faster.
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update 27/08/2016

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Ninja Rank

In Ultimate Ninja Blazing, Ninja Rank refers to players' level.

How to increase Ninja Rank

To increase Ninja Rank, players need to earn EXP. EXP are gained by completing missions. Once the EXP gauge gets full, Ninja Rank increases.

Benefit of higher Ninja Rank

Players can have more stamina and capacity for team setup as Ninja Rank increases.


Hello! I got a problem, now I am 87 ninja rank, but the last times I grow up of rank I didn't get the bonus for the team cost. Is it a bug?
<< Anonymous(Matthew)
Anonymous Reply
It's not a bug, it just doesn't always go up every time you rank up, and when it does go up it's not but by 1 or 2

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Comments (updated every hour)

No idea its the same for me
When is the next time this pops up?
I love this naruto very much and i want him so bad and i dont want to play this game without him ...
> Go to the latest comments

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